The Human Rights Internship Program at Intern in Palestine is designed to introduce you to the subject of Palestinian human rights in a setting that will help you grow both personally and professionally. It is a fantastic opportunity for students who seek to gain experience in fields like international law, diplomacy, and humanitarian aid. This can be done while also developing their intercultural and Arabic language skills. Participants in this program will aim to increase awareness about the situation on the West Bank while also providing local communities a voice. Interns will be at the forefront of developing relationships between foreign tourists and locals.

Intern in Palestine is located in Hebron, West Bank. We offer human rights internships and volunteer programs year-round. This can be for periods of between 1 and 12 weeks. The choice of start and end dates is entirely up to the participant. The program also allows you to study and practice Ammiya (Palestinian Arabic). For each week that you stay at the Center, you are eligible for three hours of Arabic instruction from qualified, experienced Palestinian teachers. You will interact with NGOs, staff members, professors of law, students, and human rights activists. Additionally, you will go on excursions to refugee camps and human rights organizations. This will advance your academic work and develop your conversational and classroom Arabic skills.

If you’re looking for internship opportunities in the Middle East and have an interest in Israeli-Palestinian relations, this internship offers an ideal opportunity to gain relevant experience. Additionally, you can enhance your Arabic language skills while participating in the program.

Current Situation in the West Bank

Since 1967, Palestinians living in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) and East Jerusalem have faced “severe and discriminatory limitations on their human rights,” according to Human Rights Watch. Because of the region’s continuous military occupation, respect for international law has been restricted. This is due to the UN ruling out the idea of a Palestinian state in 1967.

There have been widespread violations of international human rights law and humanitarian law by Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. This is according to a report released by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). The report was published on 5 March 2015 and relates to the period from 26 May 2013 to 31 October 2014. You will obtain a better grasp of the condition of human rights in the West Bank from your participation in the Human Rights Program in the West Bank.

Interning for Peace & Human Rights

The Human Rights Internship in Palestine program is excellent for anybody passionate about human rights. It is also for those who want to guarantee that Palestinians have access to their fundamental rights. If participants are interested in working for non-profit organizations in a humanitarian or legal role, interning in this program will provide them with vital experience.

This program benefits university students. Intern in Palestine, through its relationship with the Palestinian Ministry of Education, may award academic credit to program participants. This program would be an incredible chance for people who have recently graduated to use their specialty in the real world.

Law and Human Rights Internship

The Palestinian Laws curriculum seeks to give a thorough overview of the legislation that governs the West Bank and Gaza. Internships are available year-round for periods ranging from one to thirteen weeks. This curriculum is suitable for law, social science, and human rights students, as well as anybody interested in the Palestinian legal system.

During the internship, interns will visit local Palestinian lawyers, law faculties, courts, human rights organizations, legal religious institutions, and clinics. They will see laws being passed, decisions being made, court decisions, legal discussions, and mediations taking place in a range of social contexts.

Summer Internship Program

Our human rights internships in Hebron are open all year. However, we also offer summer human rights internships, an ideal opportunity for students or anyone searching for short-term internship programs in the fields of human rights, legal practices, law, and politics in Palestine, Israel, or the Middle East. Participants will gain experience while making a difference in the lives of others.

We also offer summer programs designed specifically for students looking to travel abroad while gaining university credits. These programs allow students to travel during summertime. They will also gain hands-on experience in their relevant field while working towards their degree at the same time. Students will be able to experience a range of academic and practical activities in a field relevant to their interests.

Program details

The Human Rights Internship in Palestine is primarily intellectual. There is an emphasis on increasing participant understanding of Palestinian human rights and legal breaches. However, there is a focus on raising awareness of these concerns.

During the internship, you will collaborate with international organizations, local activists, and international law specialists for the benefit of the Palestinian people. To assist in this endeavor, we organized the program into four areas:

  1. Increase your understanding of human rights and the political context. 
  2. Create a unique program in collaboration with local activists.
  3. Study Arabic and become acquainted with Palestinian culture and daily life. 
  4. Organize workshops for Palestinian youth, teach English to Palestinian children and refugees, and write articles.

Connect with Local Organizations

Based at Intern in Palestine in Hebron, you will participate in a variety of activities while visiting various human rights organizations. Some examples include the Temporary International Presence in Hebron, Human Rights Defenders, Youth Against the Settlements, and Christian Peacemaker Teams Palestine. This allows you to put what you have learned into practice.

You will work cooperatively with organizations in Hebron and Ramallah to provide workshops to Palestinian students on the subject of human rights. As part of these workshops, we encourage you to share what you have learned, your knowledge, and personal experience.

Internship Overview

Internship Program LocationHebron, Palestine 
Program Fees 250 Euros per week
Age Limit18-70 years old
Duration1-13 weeks 
Arabic Lessons per Week3 hours
Class Duration45 minutes
Number of Participants 1-5 
Program FocusPalestinian human rights

Human rights in the West Bank

Human rights issues and violations in Hebron
Related SubjectsMiddle East studies

Arabic Language and Literature

Political science

Case studies on the Israeli-Palestinian situation
Humanitarian aid
Start/End DatesFlexible to fit the participant’s schedule
Application DeadlineNo Deadline
University CreditAvailable
Program Language English

Program Fees

The total cost of this program is 250 Euros per week. Program costs cover 3 hours of Arabic lessons, pre-departure support, accommodation, complimentary daily breakfasts, operating costs, and group excursions. We have priced this competitively in comparison to similar programs. Due to the sheer variety of opportunities for self-development, our fees are competitive in price.

Fees include:

  • Accommodation
  • Language courses
  • Operating costs
  • Complimentary breakfast 
  • Group excursions to Hebron 

There are no additional or hidden fees applied to these programs. The cost quoted above is the final price that participants will pay.

Program Benefits:

  • Weekly Arabic lessons
  • Visit Palestinian refugee camps and arrange activities for Palestinian children
  • Work with non-profits, humanitarian/human rights law firms, NGOs, and other charitable organizations to gain expertise
  • Exposure to everyday life in Hebron, as well as Palestinian culture and society
  • Accommodation with a Palestinian host family or our male apartment
  • Experience traditional Palestinian dishes and desserts.
  • Palestinian cultural nights with entertainment and activities
  • Opportunities to visit unique tourist attractions with a native point of view, including BethlehemRamallah, Nablus, Tulkarm, Qalqilyah, Jenin, and the Dead Sea in Jericho
  • The ability to visit nearby cities as well as those in Jordan including Akko, Herzliya, Beersheva, Eilat, Tiberias, Netanya, Safed, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Masada, Amman, Aqaba, Wadi Rum and Nazareth
  • A participant’s certificate upon completion

Who Can participate?

Engage in Palestine does not discriminate on any grounds, based on nationality, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other. We have a long tradition of accepting individuals from all over the world. Volunteers and interns have come from many walks of life, backgrounds, and identities. Everyone is invited to help with us!

Is There Any Criteria?

There are only 3 criteria for participants wishing to intern. This is fluency in either English or Arabic, age 18-70 (although exceptions can be made in special circumstances), and positive attitude, and an eagerness to learn.


  • Be between 18 and 75 years
  • Ability to converse fluently in English
  • Willing to meet and interact with a diverse spectrum of Palestinian people
  • A desire to learn

Not required:

  • Arabic fluency
  • Travel experience
  • Teaching experience or an equivalent educational degree
  • Being an English native speaker

Arabic Culture and Language Immersion

Every intern will receive three hours of Arabic instruction every week from a professional, skilled, and attentive teacher. These classes are created so that participants may connect on a fundamental level with the individuals they are working with. Attempting to learn the local language is also considered a sign of respect for their culture. It is always appreciated by all parties involved.

You will have plenty of opportunities to practice the Arabic you have been studying in class because you will meet new people daily throughout your time in Palestine. Our instructors teach both Modern Standard Arabic and Colloquial Arabic.

Participants in the Human Rights Internship in Palestine program will also go on trips around the West Bank. These trips will be guided by the Center to important historical and political locations in Palestine. These trips will normally include visits to the Old City of Hebron as well as the nearby towns of Jerusalem and Bethlehem. There will also be tours of the refugee camps that will provide participants with a better knowledge of Palestine’s current political situation.

Educational Workshops

Once you have gained a sufficient theoretical understanding of human rights, you will begin the second stage of the program: putting your knowledge into practice. You will utilize your creativity, knowledge, and abilities to develop innovative and meaningful initiatives. This will benefit the local community by designing and conducting educational programs in collaboration with local organizations.

Previous workshop presentations have included the creation of documentaries and other visual media. Some have included the teaching of English to Palestinian children, Q&A sessions with local Palestinians, the publication of articles and booklets, and the design of digital material.

Visits to Local Organizations

Intern in Palestine will organize visits to various local organizations working in the field of human rights. This enables you to decide what activities to develop and present as part of your workshops. As a result, you will gain a better understanding of the state of human rights in the West Bank.

The program begins with an overview of the Geneva Convention and international law surrounding human rights. You will then learn how these international accords are being violated in Palestine.

Participants will get the chance to visit the United Nations Headquarters in Hebron, as well as other significant institutions and NGOs. Interns will go to Hebron and the surrounding regions to interview municipal authorities, community leaders, legislators, business owners, employees, teachers, and university students to learn more about how these violations occur.

Interns will be able to participate in a variety of training and mentorship programs on the subject of human rights. The courses will be tailored to your specific knowledge, interests, fields of expertise, and degree of experience. Because we are adaptable, you will be able to design your syllabus and schedule, allowing you to build your curriculum autonomously.

Activities Organized During Program:

There are several activities appropriate for all levels in the program that you may participate in during your stay, including:

  • Educating Palestinian school and university students about basic rights
  • Visiting UN buildings and Human Rights NGO Headquarters
  • Visiting Palestinian refugee camps in and around Hebron.
  • Writing human rights essays, with an emphasis on West Bank and Gaza
  • Studying International Human Rights laws
  • Creating a catalog of NGOs and describing and analyzing their impact on human rights violations across the world
  • Collaboration with journalist project students to create a short documentary
  • Other activities (We happily encourage suggestions)

Schedule for Interns

Interning at Intern in Palestine requires commitment and flexibility. You will be expected to work approximately 30 hours a week, from around 9 am until 5 pm. One of your days off will be Friday and another day of your choice. The Center is closed on Fridays and Saturdays.

Every morning, interns start the day with breakfast at the Center in Hebron. You will share breakfast with Palestinian teachers, volunteers/interns from other programs, and the directors of the Center. It typically consists of bread, olive oil and za’atar, hummus, labneh, falafel, cucumber, tomato, and bell pepper. These are all of the essentials you will find in a traditional Palestinian morning meal.

Along with your program responsibilities, you will be able to embark on sightseeing tours in Hebron managed by Intern in Palestine. Throughout the week, the Center organizes frequent trips to Hebron and adjacent cities.

In the evenings, we offer a wide range of activities for you to take part in as part of our commitment to showcasing Palestine’s culture. Evenings are typically free, although we will organize occasional optional activities such as food and drink tours or cultural events. We hope you will join us in exploring the city of Hebron and its many restaurants, shops, and historical sites.

In addition to your work on the Human Rights Program, you will be taking Arabic lessons, which require some preparation and study. You will have your Arabic class schedule as well as time to develop lesson ideas for the workshops that you will be in charge of. This is in addition to your spare time, during which you can go to other cities.

Live with a Host Family

In addition to learning first-hand about one of the most politically divisive regions in the world, the program will support interns in their endeavors throughout their stay. Interns will receive support, including being provided with a host family, alongside their specific program objectives.

During their time in Hebron, interns will stay with a host family, providing them with many opportunities to fully immerse themselves in a Palestinian context. They will engage in numerous conversations with the local friendly community of Hebron and learn Arabic. Interns will gain insight into Palestinian home life and culture, participate in family activities, attend Palestinian cultural events, familiarize themselves with daily life in Hebron, and much more!

Impact on the Palestinian Community

Through the premise of “walking in each other’s shoes,” this internship program strives to create a long-term effect in the local Palestinian community. Interning here will not only change your life. It will also change the lives of Palestinian children, refugees, and other members of the community.

The Human Rights Internship in Palestine is suitable for anyone wishing to gain insight into the daily lives of Palestinians under the current political and military boundaries. Ultimately, we aim to create a long-term effect in the lives of refugees, Palestinian children, youth, and the general population. This will take place via the exchange of ideas between Palestinians and international interns.

Reviews And Community Awards

Intern in Palestine has welcomed people from 40 different countries since 2011. For our influence on foreign visitors, we got our inaugural “Go Overseas Community Choice Awards” in 2019. Most recently, we were selected as one of the “Best Places to Teach Abroad, Top Spots for Volunteering Abroad, Greatest Language Schools, and Best Internship Abroad Providers of 2023” by Go Overseas. Connecting, educating, and advancing people within the local and global communities continues to be our mission.

Intern in Palestine is well-known for its cultural immersion, welcoming staff and environment, and dedication to debunking myths about Palestine and Palestinians. If you are interested in Palestinian culture and want to visit the West Bank, please read our program reviews to see whether Internship in Palestine is the right organization for you.

The West Bank Immersion Program, in particular, is ideal for anybody interested in improving the health, education, and rights of Palestinian refugees in the West Bank.

Traveling To and From Hebron, Palestine

Intern in Palestine’s staff knows, that as an intern in Palestine, travel information to Palestine can make your international journey easier. For this reason, we have detailed guides for how to get to Hebron, West Bank, how you can make your way to the Center, which taxi you should take, and how you can cross the checkpoints in the West Bank.

You may find all the necessary information on traveling to Hebron, Palestine, and the Center, including our contact information, in these four articles:

Do I Need A Visa To Intern In The West Bank?

Most of the Center’s participants in the West Bank Immersion Internship Program receive a tourist visa for three months when they fly to Israeli airports or cross the checkpoint from Jordan to the West Bank.

In general, no prior visa is needed for Americans, Canadians, and most Europeans to enter Palestine (and Israel), as these interns usually qualify for the visa exemption agreement. When you arrive at the Israeli Airports in Tel Aviv or Eilat, you will be granted a tourist visa that is valid for 90 days which allows you to travel in Palestine and Israel.

Tel Aviv Airport Pickups

Our staff can organize a taxi to pick you up at Ben Gurion Airport and take you straight to Hebron and the Center. This is the easiest and fastest way (about an hour, 60 km/37 miles) to get to Intern in Palestine.

Intern in Palestine will organize calls with you via WhatsApp, write invitation letters, send travel instructions, and give you advice on different topics for your travels.

How to apply?

To register your interest, please send an email to Rafat, Intern in Palestine’s manager at, with “Human Rights Internship in Palestine”. From there, Rafat will then email you an application form.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Rafat at We look forward to hearing from you!

Join us

Intern in Palestine’s Human Rights Internships are wonderful opportunities to contribute to the advancement of universal human rights in Palestine. Interns will work closely with local organizations in the West Bank such as human rights organizations, law firms, charities, and activists. Participants will engage with local Palestinians in dialogue about their rights and liberties as declared in the Geneva Convention and the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Interning here is a unique opportunity to learn first-hand about one of the most politically divisive regions in the world. It will make a difference in the lives of others, especially Palestinian children, refugees, youth, and community members. As a result of the program, participants will become better informed about issues surrounding human rights. Additionally, participants will be immersed in the Arabic language and culture. This will happen as they visit local Palestinian historical sites, areas of political significance, cultural festivals, and more.

There are numerous reasons why you should consider visiting and interning in the West Bank. This could be whether you are planning to go to Palestine for fun, to learn the language or any other subjects, or even for religious reasons. You will benefit immensely from joining human rights internships. Our team at Intern in Palestine will assist you every step of the way before and throughout your stay. We are happy to address all of your questions about your stay, how to get to and from Hebron, the cost of living, and any other logistical questions. We hope to meet you soon!